Dear sir, i have just bought a DVR3000 SECOND HAND in good condition with extra beds and out rigger. firstly how many extra beds can you put on before putting on extra legs.[2] i have read on you site that there is 2 updates for my motor and as i will be keeping it for a long time i am very interested in where to buy and the cost of each one and what improvements it makes .[3] a friend of mine suggested that i should buy a later model motor instead of updating old one, but i am not sure what one would fit and what the cost would be.I live in n. s. w. australia and can,nt find anyone that can help on spare parts they only want to sell you a new lathe of which we all can,nt afford thank you very much for your help in advance. mob. no. 0447307455. australia.
1 Comment
Nichole Harstad
over 5 years ago
Hi Paul,
Please send us an email to for more information rather than on a forum.
Paul Giddins
Dear sir, i have just bought a DVR3000 SECOND HAND in good condition with extra beds and out rigger. firstly how many extra beds can you put on before putting on extra legs.[2] i have read on you site that there is 2 updates for my motor and as i will be keeping it for a long time i am very interested in where to buy and the cost of each one and what improvements it makes .[3] a friend of mine suggested that i should buy a later model motor instead of updating old one, but i am not sure what one would fit and what the cost would be.I live in n. s. w. australia and can,nt find anyone that can help on spare parts they only want to sell you a new lathe of which we all can,nt afford thank you very much for your help in advance. mob. no. 0447307455. australia.